7:45 ● 8:45am EMSVO—Safe Backing EMS West Staff CEU: 1.0 EMSVO KEYWORD: OPERATIONS/RESCUE This course focuses on understanding the importance of safe vehicle backing measures and adop ng these best prac ces into your organiza on’s driving proce- dures. 7:45 ● 8:45am EMSVO—EZ EVOC for EMS EMS West Staff CEU: 1.0 EMSVO KEYWORD: OPERATIONS/RESCUE This course focuses on the need for EMS vehicle driver training and presents the a ributes of a good emergency vehicle operator (EVO) and driving system. A demonstra on of emergency vehicle (EV) safe driving prac ces is also included. Finally, we review EV preventa ve maintenance. 9:00 ● 10:00am Managing Crashing Pa ents in the Field Mark Pinchalk CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL EMS providers rou nely encounter cri cally ill medical pa ents in the field. Taking a “load and go” approach with these pa ents will o en result in increased morbid- ity and mortality. This presenta on will review the concept of “crashing” medical pa ents and physiological and opera on parameters associated with these pa- ent suffering cardiac arrest in the field during care. A management algorithm will be proposed to provide more effec ve aggressive prehospital care to these pa- ents and improve outcomes. QI data from an urban EMS system will be reviewed highligh ng the effec veness of this strategy. 9:00 ● 10:00am When Trauma Systems Work Dr. Andrew Peitzman CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: TRAUMA Review of complex trauma cases. Dr. Peitzman reviews why trauma systems ma er. Dive into complex cases, and why where it happens could mean life or death. 9:00 ● 10:00am Media Rela ons & EMS Jennifer Miele CEU: 1.0 Other KEYWORD: OPERATIONS/RESCUE What do we want? Fair and accurate repor ng of what we do. When do we want it? Only when it shines a posi ve light on us or when we tell you what to put on the news. Join Jen Miele, Andrew Stockey, Ross Guido and Stephen Limani as they discuss how to work with the media, develop rela onships and iden fy what to say and when to say it. Panel par cipants subject to change. 9:00 ● 10:00am When Disaster Strikes: The Emo onal Impact of Responding Dr. Sheila Roth CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: OPERATIONS/RESCUE Emergency preparedness and effec ve response following a disaster is what you have been trained to do. This course examines the other side of disaster re- sponse— the emo onal side. We explore the impact of disaster on the human psyche and how to be be er prepared to interact with vic ms of disaster. We also examine how responses and reac ons of vic ms vary depending on the type of disaster, and the impact that this interac on has on you, the responder. Strategies for your self-care and emo onal recovery following such events are discussed. 9:00 ● 10:00am Risk Management for EMS Jerry Ozog CEU: 0.5 Other KEYWORD: OPERATIONS/RESCUE There is risk in everything we do. The goal of any risk management program is to reduce an agency's exposure to risk and provide a safe environment for its em- ployees, visitors and pa ents. The results of a well-func oning risk management plan should be a reduc on in hazards that add to the bo om-line costs of doing business and protec on of the physical and financial assets of the organiza on. 10:30 ● 11:30am Old MacDonald Had a Fracture: Farm Trauma Case Studies Tyler McCardell CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: TRAUMA Do you have farms in your response district? Are you curious about farm-related trauma? This session uses three case studies from rural Lancaster County to illus- trate how the management of a farm trauma pa ent presents unique challenges and requires a provider to incorporate a wide array of assessment skills and inter- ven ons. Each case will follow pa ent care from ini al dispatch through the trau- ma bay and be presented in an interac ve format, incorpora ng ideas and sugges- ons from the audience at each stage of the “incident”. In addi on to the case reviews, we review common farm-related mechanisms of injury, their associated injury pa erns, discuss risk factors for farm emergency response, and share strat- egies for rural injury preven on efforts. 10:30 ● 11:30am To Fly or Not To Fly: Who Really Needs a Helicopter Ride to the Trauma Center? Dr. Joshua Brown CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: TRAUMA Explore the considera ons and issues related to air medical transport of trauma pa ents. Which pa ents are sick enough to benefit from helicopter transport? What are the logis cal issues to consider? What are the draw backs to calling for a helicopter? Answer these ques ons and more as we discuss the latest thinking and research trying to help you know when to call the helicopter for your trauma pa ent. 10:30 ● 11:30am When Hot and Cold Kills: Simula on Lab of Heat and Cold Emer‐ gencies Dr. Jerry Escajeda CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL We take a deeper look into the pathophysiology of heat and cold emergencies, discuss case examples and ps for protec ng yourself from these environmental hazards.