Lunch me Con‐Ed 11:45am to 12:45pm Lunch is included in your day registra on and begins at 11:30am today. Food is NOT available in the educa on sessions. Please, do not bring food to the sessions. 10:30 ● 11:30am Let's Chat about PAT ‐ Tools to Help with Pediatric Assessment Dr. Sylvia Owusu Ansah CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: OB/PEDIATRICS Review of the pediatric assessment triangle, using student engaging case studies. 10:30 ● 11:30am Hidden Disasters: A Case Presenta on on Abdominal Emergen‐ cies Dr. Mohamed Hagahmed CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL This presenta on will highlight the common pi alls when managing pa ents with abdominal pain. It will also include the prehospital assessment and management of the most commonly encountered abdominal emergencies. 11:30am ● 1:30pm 11:45am ● 12:45pm Always Be er the Second Time! Lessons Learned from Back to Back Stanley Cup Championship Parades. Dr. Ronald Roth CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: OPERATIONS/RESCUE Providing medical care at planned mass gathering events such as spor ng events, concerts, marathons and parades requires many of the same skill sets and exper- se necessary to implement a successful response to an unplanned mass casualty event. In the City of Pi sburgh, aka, the City of Champions, we had the oppor- tunity to prepare and execute back to back mass gathering plans for the Penguin Stanley Cup celebra on. In this presenta on, we will explore how the lessons learned from the 2016 parade were adopted in prepara on for the 2017 parade. In addi on, we will look at factors from the 2016 event that nearly transformed a mass gathering event into a mass casualty event. 11:45am ● 12:45pm BLS Skills Review Game UPMC Prehospital Care Staff CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL Through this interac ve game, we will review BLS skills. 1:30 ● 2:30pm From Bingo to the ED: Challenges of Trea ng the Elderly Dr. Adam Yates CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL Dr. Yates will take an in-depth look at the geriatric pa ent and their special needs for care. Join Dr. Yates and dive into some of our greatest challenges in trea ng geriatric pa ents. 1:30 ● 2:30pm Stethoscopes, Fingers on the Pulse, and Other Useless Tools: How Prehospital Ultrasound Can Change Your Assessment Game Dr. Benjamin Lawner CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL The prehospital physical assessment has remained rela vely unchanged in the face of evolving technology. Despite its poor sensi vity and lack of reliability, physical assessment skills are used to inform judgements about pa ent condi on and transport des na on. Prehospital ultrasound is a portable and highly reliable means of obtaining useful informa on about your pa ent’s condi on. Review case based scenarios that represent a poten al applica ons for real me ultra- sound and perform scans in real me using volunteer models. 1:30 ● 2:30pm Pediatric Abdominal and Pelvic Trauma: EMS Approach Dr. Sylvia Owusu Ansah CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: OB/PEDIATRICS Differen a ng between a belly ache and bleeding can be very challenging. Come and learn ps and tricks for pediatric trauma assessment. 1:30 ● 2:30pm Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Casual es Dr. Brendan Mulcahy CEU: 0.5 Clinical Pa ent Care & 0.5 Other KEYWORD: MEDICAL Despite the progress made by the interna onal community, the use of chemical and biological weapons remains a very real threat, and in the United States, EMS will be at the forefront. For this reason, it is paramount that all EMS providers review the medical management of chemical and biological casual es. Many of the most severe chemical and biological casual es can and will survive if you have the right training. This lecture will review some of the most common and feared agents of mass destruc on. 1:30 ● 2:30pm Don’t Blow Me Off...The Role of EMS in Preven ng Secondary Injury in Severe Head Trauma Dr. Richard Wadas CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL The preven on of secondary brain injury in head trauma is the primary mecha- nism by which EMS providers can help this popula on of pa ents. If preven ng hypoxia is cri cal, why is intuba on seen as bad? How is “good” ven la on asso- ciated with worse outcomes? Understanding the nuances of this complex and controversial topic are cri cal.