2:45 ● 3:45pm Ewww That Smell Sco Dolan CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL This presenta on will explore pa ent exposure to hazardous environments and discuss treatment modali es for each. 2:45 ● 3:45pm Pain on the Brain: Concussive Injuries in Sports Dr. Vincent Mosesso CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL A look at high school and collegiate athlete head injuries and the role of the EMS assessment. 2:45 ● 3:45pm EMS Training in the 21st Century Dr. Jerry Escajeda CEU: 1.0 Other KEYWORD: OPERATIONS/RESCUE Dr. Escajeda will share emergency medicine training via the different social me- dia outlets. 2:45 ● 3:45pm ROSC and Roll ? Why You Need to Pay A en on to the Post Cardiac Arrest Syndrome Dr. Benjamin Lawner CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL The implementa on of high performance CPR has increased survival rates and has shaped the future of resuscita on. The return of spontaneous circula on is only one measurement of effec veness, however. It is necessary to look beyond ROSC and examine outcomes like neurological recovery and survival to hospital discharge. The prehospital providers of all levels are integral links in the chain of cardiac survival. From BLS to ALS to cri cal care, understand how your ac ons on scene and en-route can alter the course of a pa ent’s outcome. 4:00 ● 5:00pm CLOSING KEYNOTE PRESENTATION In 2014, the Chicago Fire Department (CFD) iden fied two significant obstacles when providing effec ve treatment to a downed firefighter: 1) bunker gear and 2) inadequate informa on gathering and sharing. To address these issues, the CFDD developed a training program that bridges the gap between fire suppres‐ sion and rescue and EMS as they relate to the rescue and treatment of a downed firefighter. RIT REVAMP Rebecca Bolluyt, BS, EMT‐P Paramedic in Charge Chicago Fire Department CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care Families—join us tonight beginning at 7pm for pop‐ corn, pizza, cookies, child‐ friendly beverages, so drinks and a family movie! Depending on availability, the movie (G or PG rated) will have recently been in the movie theaters! Everyone is invited —there is no charge to a end.