7:30 ● 8:30am Snake Bites Dr. Anthony Pizon CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL In an hour, this presenta on will summarize envenoma on from snake bites in PA, WV and OH. The lecture will focus on the iden fica on of venomous snakes, signs and symptoms associated with envenoma on, and any appropri- ate pre-hospital treatment. 7:30 ● 8:30am Organ Dona on in Trauma Dr. Al Philp CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: TRAUMA In cases of severe trauma c injury, the pa ent may not survive – but they can s ll help others through organ dona on? We’ll address issues like: What’s the process? Who can donate? How are the donors and recipients managed? How are disputes se led? 8:45 ● 9:45am Hell No! ECMO Thomas Emminger CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL Does anybody WANT to do an ECMO transport today? HELL NO! Who in the world wants to transport a pa ent with 1/3 of their circula ng blood volume outside of their body. This course provides a basic understanding of what ECMO is, what it is used for and some considera ons for safe, efficient transport when you encounter these pa ents. ECMO cannula on is happening more and more frequently in today’s healthcare landscape. 8:45 ● 9:45am Suspension Trauma Syndrome Dr. Saptarshi Biswas CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: TRAUMA Because pa ents can deteriorate very quickly and the wrong interven on can mean the difference between a rescue and a recovery mission, first responders and EMS providers must know the current recommenda ons for suspension trauma rescues and the underlying theories and pathophysiology of suspension trauma syndrome. We discuss prehospital treatment for suspension trauma and list those at risk of death from suspension trauma. 8:45 ● 9:45am Burning the Candle; Stress and Burnout in EMS Tiffany Rohde‐Wyant CEU: 1.0 Other KEYWORD: MEDICAL EMS is a rewarding career, but burnout and stress can lead to significant health problems, poor work performance, desensi za on, and even death within our profession. This class delves into what stress and burnout is specifically to our professionals and methods that we all can u lize and prac ce within our agen- cies, units, and even homes to reduce and eliminate burnout within our profes- sion and increase the health and wellness of our providers. 8:45 ● 9:45am Pediatric Respiratory Issues Dr. Siriam Ramgopal CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: OB/PEDIATRICS This lecture will review the major respiratory diseases (eg: asthma, croup, RSV, bronchioli s, pneumonia) and how to differen ate one from another. Audio and visual aids will be u lized so that the par cipants can see and hear the differences. Treatment updates will also be discussed for the various respirato- ry illnesses presented. 8:45 ● 9:45am Advances in Stroke Care Dr. Cynthia Kenmuir CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL The cu ng edge stroke care - from assessment to interven on. 10:00 ● 11:15am Sepsis Alert Dr. Daniel Schwartz CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL Sepsis is a me-sensi ve, cri cal finding. Both BLS and ALS providers have the ability and tools to accurately iden fy sepsis in the field. Early iden fica on is the key to survival and decreased hospital stay. This class will cover the sci- ence, physiology and evidence for pre-hospital sepsis iden fica on and hospital no fica on. 10:00 ● 11:15am Fa gue Risk Management Dr. Daniel Pa erson CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: RESCUE/OPERATIONS There is growing concern amongst EMS circles that fa gued EMTs and Para- medics threaten pa ent and provider safety. This presenta on reviews what is known about fa gue and sleep in medicine, its impact on clinicians, and clarify the research involving EMS workers. 10:00 ● 11:15am Assessment of the Medical Pa ent, Are We Doing a Good Job? David Lindell CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL Medical assessment is o en glossed over when compared to trauma assess- ment yet the majority of our EMS pa ents are seen for medical complaints. This program will improve your ability to assess the pa ent presen ng with a medical complaint in the out of hospital environment. 10:00 ● 11:15am Updates in Trauma Dr. Al Philp CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: TRAUMA What’s happened in the past year that’s changed our prac ce of trauma in the field, ED, ICU, and OR? We’ll touch on bleeding control, blood products, resusci- ta on, ICU management, ECMO, and OR strategies. 10:00 ● 11:15am State of Shock Dr. Jon Ri enberger CEU: 1.0 Clinical Pa ent Care KEYWORD: MEDICAL Assessment and early interven on is key in surviving shock states. Dr. Ri en- berger will review best prac ces and take shock head on. How to assess, detect and treat the thing people talk the least about.