5 Addi onal Informa on  Atmosphere: Any exhibit, or part of exhibit, or any exhibitor who is not keeping with the character of the exhibi on is prohibited. This reserva on covers persons, things, conduct, signs, printed ma er, souvenirs, catalogs, noisy exhibits, odor producing exhibits, exhibits displaying bad, lewd, immoral taste or of ques onable nature or demoralizing tendency, and all ma ers which affect the character of the conference. We do have the granted right to remove from any exhibi on space and from the building, with or without no ce, any ar cle or person or exhibitor which is not in keeping with the character of the exhibi on. Exhibitors are not permi ed to u lize any public address system, loud speaker, bull horn or other sound amplifying devic‐ es, whether used for voice, music or other sounds. The only permi ed public address system will be that which is under the control of conference management and used for conference related announcements approved by conference man‐ agement. Exhibitors must use discre on and show appropriate considera on for other vendors when conduc ng any type of special promo on in their assigned booth area. Exhibitors who unnecessarily or consistently disturb other vendors by drawing large numbers of a endees into a confined area of the Exhibit area will be asked to discon nue such promo ons. Repeat‐ ed offenses by a vendor may result in denial of par cipa on in future years. Exhibitors may not conduct any promo on or other ac vity which does not directly promote EMS. Exhibitors must obtain PRIOR PERMISSION from EMS WEST conference staff before hos ng, sponsoring or undertaking any promo on, raffle, drawing, or event at Seven Springs Mountain Resort beyond simple display of wares or individual or small group presenta ons. Exhibitors conduc ng unapproved promo ons will be asked to discon nue such promo‐ ons. Repeated offenses by an exhibitor may result in denial of par cipa on in future years. We reserve the right to take and use any pictures, video or recordings of any part or whole exhibit and staff as promo‐ onal material for future events. Special requests: Exhibitors requiring special requests such as menus, food items, beverage items, etc., must obtain these services directly thru Betsy Conn at the sales office at Seven Springs Mountain Resort. You must contract with the resort for these items; you cannot bring in any food or beverage items. Favors, gi s, souvenirs or any other item to be given to a endees must be approved by conference management. No materials are to be affixed to name badges. Ques ons should be directed to Sco  Crawford, Exhibit Manager, at 412‐494‐5575  or scrawford@emswest.org