PROCEDURAL LAB PROGRAM Sponsored by The procedural lab program is designed to provide the unique opportunity for healthcare providers to understand and prac ce various procedures u lizing cadaveric specimens, simula on, alterna ve training materials and didac c informa on. The labs are structured u lizing a layered educa onal approach that is conducive to adult learning. A typical lab is forma ed to take the a endee through a variety of sta ons covering relevant indica ons, contraindica ons, complica ons and familiariza on with medical procedures and technique. This experience allows clinicians a hands-on opportunity to prac ce advanced procedures in a safe, realis c environment. These programs help overcome apprehension and build confidence, and can be incredibly impac ul in changing prac ce. Teleflex will be running two labs simultaneously. Airway Procedures is a sixty minute lab using manikins and cadavers. Skills will consist of pa ent posi on- ing, passive ven la on, mechanical ven la on with the BVM & peep, oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal air- ways, direct visual intuba on, supraglo c airway (LMA Supreme) and video intuba on with the Airtraq. THIS IS A SEPARATE REGISTRATION PROCESS—TO REGISTER FOR THE AIRWAYPROCEDURAL LAB PRO- GRAM—YOU MUST VISIT h p:// AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. The EZ IO lab is 90 minutes in length also using manikins, cadavers and clinically rela ve anatomic body parts. You will be coached through a variety of sta ons covering relevant indica ons, contraindica ons, complica ons and familiariza on with medical procedures and technique. THIS IS A SEPARATE REGISTRA- TION PROCESS—TO REGISTER FOR THE EZ-IO PROCEDURAL LAB PROGRAM—YOU MUST VISIT h p:// AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. SPACE IS EXTREMELY LIMITED. THE PROCEDURAL LAB PROGRAM IS FREE OF CHARGE COURTESY OF TELE- FLEX. THIS IS A SEPARATE REGISTRATION FROM THE EMS UPDATE 2018 CONFERENCE. Ques ons about the conference should be sent to Ques ons about the Procedural Lab Program should be sent to